These principles allow the running of our software 24/7. In addition, this allows for the spotting of opportunities while bug fixes, updates and algorithm replacements can be run on hot switches, meaning that no data or opportunity can be lost due to infrastructure maintenance. While TwoFoot operates on multi-thread AWS machines, we continue to improve algorithms for faster strategy creation based on ML technology and faster data processing targeting the sub-microsecond level.
MEED actively uses the principles of continuous improvement
MEED LLC (MEED) is an arbitrage trading fund specialising in Western exchanges with a presence in London, Chicago and other smaller exchanges.
Between 2018 and 2021, MEED turnover grew to $25M, and currently the company operates through a sublicense on the LSE.
MEED financial markets arbitrage utilises a sophisticated proprietary software (TwoFoot), which is registered, patented and protected from copyright infringement.
Arbitrage trading is significantly more popular among larger companies, and MEED Fund is unique in being one of the very few hedge funds operating in arbitrage trading.
TwoFoot runs continuously to spot arbitrage opportunities across Western markets, mainly in commodity futures (fossil fuels, metals and non-perishables) and suggests the upcoming trends for our traders.
The core of the company’s capabilities lies within the proprietary software TwoFoot
TwoFoot is officially valued and is the main asset of the company. AUM volume is relatively small around $10M, however, the strategy used to manage the assets allows loss free turnover.
TwoFoot operates at extremely low latency and with quick signal processing times and low microseconds in the region of 2 to 6. This is achieved on different exchanges simultaneously due to well-placed collocation servers with AWS infrastructure underpinning the calculations.
MEED is one of the best-performing arbitrage funds with a double-digit percentage of annual profitability. This is achieved by using a long-existing lean team of specialised quantitative researchers and software engineers.
One of our most important ESG projects is the manufacturing of a non-alcoholic antiseptic for developing countries with varying requirements due to cultural differences and climate. Benzyl-dimethyl ammonium chloride is currently very difficult to acquire outside certain territories. As a critical ESG project, MEED’s team runs their own laboratory and distributes the antiseptic at costs that are a fraction of the market prices to make it available to all who need it.
Some senior staff members teach Maths and Software Engineering at local schools for gifted children. Others run projects in the CIS countries to improve the accessibility of healthcare.
High profits and zero-loss trading strategies allow extremely efficient human intelligence utilisation. This means that our staff is available for important projects in the social sphere.
One successful project concerning the above antiseptic was in 2023. Over $100,000 worth of antiseptics was donated to the “VIVA” charitable foundation in Armenia. This donation allowed for the distribution of a high-quality antiseptic to different in need regions of Armenia.
Limited Liability Company “MEED” Main State Registration Number 1187746730060
Registered address:
11 Stanislavsky Street, Moscow, 109004, Russia

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